All posts by Steven Satyricon

I'm an artist who's been living in San Francisco since July 2002. I'm a believer in activism, community, love, magic, and real life engagement. I'm the man behind the curtain in this little slice of the internet.

From A Madman’s Journal

(at work, April ’97.)
Speeding down this highway,
Rocketing to our inevitable unknown finish,
Wrestling the devil, searching for affection,
Rolling and racing to our private apocalypse.
i’ve seen it all here, from behind my counter and through the windows of the world.
i work at a coffee shop,
a place where the regulars are known by Indian names:
Names like Mean Coffee Guy, Nappy Cup Man, and White Chocolate Latte Woman. Continue reading From A Madman’s Journal

Song For Curtis

The rain is falling on my city.
Thick black sheets of cold shimmer down
from the reddish night sky to the shining pavement below.
I wonder who would be out this night.
I wonder who is at the bars.
I envision the parking lots,
full of nice cars with little
stickers on the back that mean,
“i’m one too–and i’m available.”
And inside, the bars will be packed.
Hot. Sweaty. Pulsating.
Lights and beats and rhythms.
Discreet sex acts in the bathrooms.
Phone numbers on napkins and promises
made into emptied beer glasses.
Continue reading Song For Curtis

Baptism By Fire

summer sweetness haunts me now,
in the autumn of my discontent.
my friend once told me, “summer groups never last,”
and i knew it to be true, but if only summer could last forever!
those nights of innocence and abandon,
swimming free and naked in the jeweled waters lit by a torch,
playing dubious games of spin-the-bottle ’round the unneeded campfire.
listening to a lesbian play “Joey” on the guitar one too many times,
frolicking later to the tune of Indigo Girls as she played ’til a hazy dawn. Continue reading Baptism By Fire

The Great Downtown Freakshow

step right up friends,
i said step right up!
and welcome to the great downtown freak show.
here you can find all the finest in oddities,
all the bitter dregs of humanity that the decadence of downtown
has swept into a convenient pile for your viewing pleasure.
we have all kinds here; that’s right, all kinds–
here we have vampires, men and women of dark secrets and darker intent,
ready at the drop of a hat to show you how vile and dangerous they are.
don’t step too close, now! though they actually faint at the sight of blood,
these creatures of the night rejoice in the frenzy of sadomasochism
via a cheap feel and a hickey on the neck of their victims. Continue reading The Great Downtown Freakshow

Ode To A Closet Drag Queen

(to JH)

When did it occur, dear brother?
When did you become this hollow man-woman?
When was it that you fucked away your last scrap of soul,
Dicked thoughtlessly to a nameless, unattractive body
Now piled onto your crypt-stack of whorish, diseased corpses?
When were you first infected?
When was it,
That you became so obsessed with being gay
That you stopped being human? Continue reading Ode To A Closet Drag Queen