All posts by Steven Satyricon

I'm an artist who's been living in San Francisco since July 2002. I'm a believer in activism, community, love, magic, and real life engagement. I'm the man behind the curtain in this little slice of the internet.


After seven years…
Back on the old school grounds.
It’s late.
I’m trespassing–
No one cares.
There’s some new equipment in the back playground:
Now, there’s a wooden tower, and a rope bridge.
If it were there seven years ago…
I would have played adventurer.
Standing at the tower’s peak,
I would have been mad when others intruded;
‘How dare they intrude into my fantasy?!’
Seems like people might call that ambition. Continue reading P.O.V.


In this world, and on this earth
Dwell two types of people–
Those that live, and those who are dead.
Those that carry love, and those who carry fear;
They that take chances, and them that shrink from gambles.
Which is the better of the two?
Those who fear will die in their stillness,
But they do not acknowledge or realize this–
Is ignorance truly bliss? Continue reading Perthro